Embracing Opportunities

For the past two weeks, Caleb Carter, a caring and spirited young man from Milang, has been embarking on a life changing journey with Orana Murray Bridge.

Caleb found the first few days were all about integrating into the Orana community, a NDIS provider renowned for empowering individuals with disabilities.

Caleb explained that he is lucky to have only a mild to moderate case of Down Syndrome, with a little intellectual disability.


Caleb safely posing on the factories Drill Press with one of Orana’s Butchers Meat Hooks.

“I have learned to do most things, everyday things like reading, writing - all kinds of things, I take public transportation on my own – and I definitely enjoy shopping and playing eight ball,” Caleb said. “I’m really concentrating on improving my spelling and grammar at the moment.”

Orana stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for over 650 South Australians with disabilities - the organization is committed to providing employment, housing, training, short-term accommodation, skill development programs, and life skills support. Their vocation is to enable individuals to live and work within their local communities, fulfilling their goals and becoming valued and productive members of society.

Caleb's initiation into Orana work began with a single day of work per week, however, his enthusiasm and dedication quickly led to an increase in his schedule, and he now works two days a week - Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Despite the short duration of his employment, Caleb’s passion for his work and his positive outlook, are already evident.

“I’m really enjoying what I’m doing,” Caleb shared with a smile. “I get to see my girlfriend and my mates while earning a little bit of money. It’s a nice bit of pocket money.” His tasks at Orana are diverse, ranging from bagging firewood, shredding documents, collecting hard rubbish and metal for recycling, to dismantling mattresses, washing government cars, gardening, and even making meat hooks for butchers. Each task provides Caleb with valuable work experience and the satisfaction of contributing to his community.


Caleb arranging kindling in preparation for bagging, at Orana’s Murray Bridge factory.

One of Caleb’s favourite activities is hard waste collection. “It’s the best,” he said. “I love getting outside in the fresh air with my new mates at Orana. We also get to meet lots of other people.” This interaction with the community and the camaraderie with his teammates is a significant aspect of what makes Caleb’s work fulfilling.

Caleb’s journey with Orana was facilitated by his Support Coordinator, Natasha from I Can Jump Puddles, Michael Bates of Wise Employment, and Claire Fidge of Genuine Support Services Australia, all vital players in Caleb’s NDIS ecosystem. It was the combined effort from all of Caleb’s support agencies, that introduced him to the idea of working at Orana. “It was a great idea from everyone, that got me into this,” he said. “It’s pretty much like my first job, and I love it. I like hands-on, outdoor work. It makes me talk to people. I like dealing with people and helping them.”

The experience is not only about the work for Caleb; it’s about the personal growth and the sense of belonging he feels. “I hope my Orana work will lead to more paid work in the outdoors,” he shared. “I’m not scared of hard work, and I like being part of a team of workers getting the job done. I’m feeling pretty good. It keeps my blood flowing.”

Orana’s holistic approach to support and development is evident in Caleb’s story. They provide a platform for individuals like Caleb to explore their potential, develop their skills, and gain confidence. By offering a variety of work experiences, Orana ensures that each person can find their niche and contribute meaningfully to the community.

Caleb Carter’s story is one of empowerment and community. Through the support of Orana and his NDIS support agencies, he is discovering new opportunities, developing his skills, and finding joy in his work as an integral part of his Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsular community. His journey serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the transformative power of inclusion, support, and meaningful employment. As Caleb continues to embrace these opportunities, he is paving the way for a brighter future, not just for himself, but for the entire community he is now proudly a part of.

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